Taktik specializes in the making of textbooks and workbooks for primary schools, extended grammar schools and nursery schools. Its catalogue, which contains over 100 titles, is supplemented by a range of interactive workbooks and other educational programmes for home practice.
Publications for specialists and non-specialists on modern history, with an emphasis on the Second World War and the Holocaust as a turning point for human rights, tolerance and mutual respect between the majority and minorities.
Trnka Publishers specialise in Czech traditions. In Edice naší babičky (Our Grandmother’s Edition) publications are brought out which reflect on the wisdom of our predecessors. Edice Jiří Trnka (Jiří Trnka Edition) publishes literature that derives from the works of this national artist. There is an emphasis on the value of classical works for children. The spirit of the publishers is to be found in the academic artist Klára Trnková and her daughter Tereza Šebestíková.
Echo Media a.s. is the publisher of Týdeník Echo, a weekly for independent opinion, and the online daily echo.24.cz. Týdeník Echo addresses the most important events at home and abroad, providing commentary, analysis and interviews and taking its lead from prestigious weeklies across the world.