S. N. Lazarev is a practical philosopher, parapsychologist and researcher who has devised a system of laws of the spiritual life of man and their influence on people’s health and fate.
Jacek Lewinson Publishers´ Representative Central/Eastern Europe (P002, )
Representation of the following publishing houses: Bloomsbury Academic, Palgrave Higher Education, Wolters Kluver Health (former Lippincott Williams and Wilkins), Brill, De Gruyter, Wiley, Thieme Verlag, CABI Publishing and Duke University Press, University of British Columbia Press, Fordham University Press, University of Illinois Press, Indiana University Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, University of Nebraska Press, New York University Press, Ohio University Press, Stanford University Press, Temple University Press, University of Texas Press, University of Washington Press.
Representation of the following publishing houses: Artech House, Boyder & Brewer, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge University Press (Academic only), Edinburgh University Press, Emerald, Europa Law Publishing, Facet Publishing, Institution of Engineering and Technology IET, IOS Press, JP Medical, Paths International, Pharmaceutical Press, Royal Society of Chemistry, Sage Publications, Taylor & Francis (all imprints books only), Thomas Telford/Institution of Civil Engineers, World Scientific Publishing.
An introduction to Slovak literature abroad, the holding of a collective exhibition of Slovak publishers, support for translations of works by Slovak authors; publishes works of literary theory, criticism and history, monographs.
Our Agency represents publishers and literary agencies from all over the world, for fiction, non-fiction and illustrated books (both for children and adults) in Eastern European countries. More information on our website: www.liviastoiaagency.ro.
Ljubljana – UNESCO City of Literature is a surprising city that will exceed your expectations. It is unique – small in size, but huge in terms of hospitality and quality of life. We were UNESCO World Book Capital City 2010, in 2011 we joined ICORN and we are the 2016 European Green Capital.