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11 - 14 May

Book World Prague 2017
23rd International Book Fair and Literary Festival

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Karmelitánské nakladatelství s.r.o. (L804, )

Thákurova 676/3
160 00 Praha 6
Czech Republic
  • Ing. Anne-Marie Nedoma, jednatelka, ředitelka
  • ,
tel.: +420 220 181 350
The focal point of KNA’s catalogue is Christian and spiritual literature, although it often reaches into theology, philosophy, history, religious studies and psychology. KNA also operates its own bookshop chain and is involved in distribution.

Kartografie PRAHA, a.s. (P101, )

Ostrovní ul. 30
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • ,
  • ,
Traditional producer of atlases, lexicons, tourist maps, guides and town plans.

Nakladatelství Kazda s.r.o. (L606, )

Nové sady 2
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Václav Kazda, ředitel, Rights Manager
  • ,
mob.: +420 702 036 022
New publisher for culture of the spirit and a harmonious humanity-nature relationship. Extraordinary books that inspire and bring joy.

Klub Polski o.s. (P404, )

Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • Michal Chrzastowski,
  • ,
mob.: +420 602 480 544

Klub slovenské kultury, Dokumentační středisko slovenské menšiny v ČR (P404, )

Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • PhDr. Helena Nosková, CSc.,
  • ,
mob.: +420 603 824 370

Nakladatelství KNIHA ZLIN, s.r.o. – Albatros Media a.s. (P208, )

Na Drahách 369
760 01 Zlín
Czech Republic
  • Ing. Marek Turňa, ředitel
  • ,
tel.: +420 577 143 464, mob.: +420 603 437 023
The publishing house, KNIHA ZLIN, has existed since 2004 and nowadays it publishes about forty titles every year. Its editorial plan follows the actual trends on the literary scene, especially on the international one. KNIHA ZLIN publishes literary and up-market international fiction, non-fiction, art books and marginally childern´s books.

KNIHCENTRUM.CZ s.r.o. (P401, )

Smetanovo náměstí 222/8
702 00 Ostrava
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Tomáš Hruda, vedoucí marketingového oddělení
  • Soňa Šotková, asistentka jednatele KNIHCENTRUM.CZ
mob.: +420 606 680 933
Chain of bookstores and e-shops with the widest selection of books on the market.

Knihovna Václava Havla (L818, )

Ostrovní 13
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
  • Pavel Hájek, Senior Manager
  • Veronika Brázdilová, programová koordinátorka
The Václav Havel Library collects, studies, publishes, disseminates and defends the intellectual, literary and political legacy of Václav Havel. It also engages with personalities, events and phenomena associated with this legacy, striving to illuminate them and place them in a historical and present-day context.

Knižní klub (S205, )

Nádražní 896/30
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
  • Jitka Fořtová, PR Manager
  • ,

Kosmas s.r.o. (S201, )

Lublaňská 34
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • Ctirad Fuchs, obchodní ředitel
  • Lenka Dvořáková, vedoucí e-Shopu www.kosmas.cz
tel.: +420 226 519 800
Wholesaler with 22 of its own bookstores - shop of the year 2015 - books - e-books - audiobooks.

Krakow UNESCO City of Literature (S201, )

Wygrana 2
30-311 Krakow
  • Justyna Jochym,
  • Anna Zygmunt,
tel.: +48 12 354 2654, mob.: +48 504 084 577
fax: +48 12 354 2501
Krakow UNESCO City of Literature – member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network since 2013. Firts city in Continental Europe and second non-native English speaking. City of literary heritage, festivals (Conrad Festival, Miłosz Festival), poetry and vibrant literary life.

Kristián Entertainment, s.r.o. (L602, )

Výstupní 6
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
  • Václav Tobořík, ředitel
  • ,
tel./mob.: +420 602 347 180
Publisher of books and audiobooks.

Kulturní sdružení občanů německé národnosti v ČR o.s. (P404, )

Vocelova 602/3
120 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
  • Irena Nováková,
  • ,
mob.: +420 602 846 018