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11 - 14 May

Book World Prague 2017
23rd International Book Fair and Literary Festival

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Zábranská Marie – výtvarnice – svobodné povolání (L513, )

Kloboučnická 11a
140 00 Praha 4 - Nusle
Czech Republic
  • Marie Zábranská, vydavatelka, autorka
  • Martin Rataj, asistent
tel.: +420 241 413 882, mob.: +420 606 349 931
Versatile artist and designer. Paintings, book illustrations, medals. Her work appears in the National Gallery, Prague City Gallery and regional galleries. Founder of the Femina artists’ group, which has presented high-quality work for 15 years. Introducing her book for very young readers.

Západočeská Univerzita v Plzni (P202, )

Univerzitní 8, P.O.Box 314
306 14 Plzeň
Czech Republic
  • Mgr. Jakub Pokorný, vedoucí oddělení vydavatelství
  • ,
Publisher of study materials and specialised literature.

Združenie vydavateľov a kníhkupcov Slovenskej republiky (S116, )

Ľubľanská 2
831 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
  • RNDr. Daniel Kollár, CSc., předseda
  • ,
tel.: +421 918 320 115, +421 2 2102 8580
The Association of Publishers and Booksellers of the Slovak Republic is an independent voluntary organization that represents the interests of its members, protects their publishing and business activities and concerns itself with their overall development. It also provides an advice and information service.

Země světa (P103, )

Brtnická 3
101 00 Praha 10
Czech Republic
  • Miluše Žáková, jednatelka
  • Aleš Žák, obchodní ředitel
tel.: +420 271 721 207
fax: +420 271 725 002
Magazine for travel and culture focusing on regions attractive to tourists.

ZONER Software, a.s. vydavatelství Zoner Press (L707, )

Nové sady 18
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic
  • Květa Filipi, marketing manažer
  • ,
tel.: +420 532 190 883, mob.: +420 736 510 083
fax: +420 543 257 245
Photographic literature, books on drawing, painting and leisure.